Vision Journal Party Recap

Vision Journal Party with Charmaine Wiley

Why Create a Vision Journal?

-A Vision Journal is a journal you create that helps you create a vision for your life, brand or business by using images/pictures & words.  It's something that you can carry with you daily when you're on the go.

What is a vision?

-The ability to see! 

Manifestation! What is it & is it real?

-Manifestation is the ability to bring something tangible into your life through attraction & belief.  It's a combination of images, words, emotions & environments that make manifestation real. Your vision journal is a great way to manifest the life you desire because you're filling it with words, affirmations & images that will evoke emotions & hopefully motivate you to put yourself in the right environment.

-It's important to put yourself where you see yourself! Being in the right environment helps you manifest.

What are affirmations?

-An affirmation is a declaration or a statement that you're writing or saying about yourself.  

-Examples of affirmations

1. I AM beautiful

2. I AM bold

3. I AM peace

4. I AM loved

Activity 1

-Write down 3-5 affirmations on the 1st page of your journal

Challenge 1

-Repeat your affirmations to yourself for the next 7 days.  Say them with authority like you believe it.  You can stand in the mirror & say them, or you can repeat them as you get ready for school.  Make sure you speak them with conviction & confidence!


-SMART Goals

1. Specific

2. Measurable

3. Achievable

4. Relevant

5. Timebound

Activity 2

-Think about 3-5 goals you'd like to accomplish this year.  Write them in your journal BUT we are going to write them a specific type of way.  When you write your goals, start them off with either "I AM" or "I HAVE"

Ex.  I HAVE a healthy relationship with my Mom & we will be closer than ever this calendar year 2022.  

Challenge 2

-Write down your goals the way we outlined above every single day for the next 7 days! Remember, what you focus on expands.  So if you focus on the things you do want vs. the things you don't want, the sky is the limit.

We talked about some of the key components that make up your vision journal:




BUT in order for your vision journal to come to life, you must know the success formula.

The Success Formula

-Manifestation + Belief + Execution = Success

Manifesting your dreams, goals & desires is just the first step when putting your vision journal together.  A part of manifestation is writing down your affirmations & SMART goals BUT you have to BELIEVE that the things you're putting in your vision journal can happen! Belief is very important.  

-The last thing is Executing. Faith without works is dead.  You can manifest & believe all day BUT you must put forth some effort, your vision journal means nothing if you don't believe & then put your plan in action!

-So get MAD - Motivated And Determined! 

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